How Do I Clean And Lubricate The Derailleur

If you’re an avid cyclist, you know the importance of keeping your bike in top shape. One essential component that requires regular maintenance is the derailleur. Understanding how to properly clean and lubricate this crucial part is key to ensuring smooth shifting and extending the life of your bicycle. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of cleaning and lubricating your derailleur, helping you maintain optimal performance while enjoying every ride.

Table of Contents


Gather the necessary tools and materials

Before you begin cleaning and lubricating your derailleur, it’s important to gather all the necessary tools and materials. You’ll need a few items to ensure a thorough cleaning and proper lubrication. Grab a degreaser, a brush (preferably a small, stiff-bristled one), clean water, a towel or rag, and your chosen lubricant. Having everything ready will make the process smoother and more efficient.

Secure the bike in a stable position

Once you have all your tools and materials ready, it’s time to secure your bike in a stable position. This will make it easier for you to work on your derailleur without worrying about the bike tipping over or moving around. You can use a bike work stand, a bike rack, or even suspend the bike by hanging it if you have the appropriate equipment. Ensuring stability will make the cleaning and lubricating process much safer and more convenient.

Cleaning the Derailleur

Remove the rear wheel

To clean your derailleur properly, you’ll need to remove the rear wheel. This will give you better access to the derailleur components and allow for a thorough cleaning. Follow the instructions for your specific bike model to remove the rear wheel safely. Make sure you have a clean and spacious area to place the wheel once it’s removed.

Inspect the derailleur components

With the rear wheel out of the way, take some time to inspect the derailleur components. Look for any signs of dirt, grime, or debris that may have built up over time. Check the jockey wheels, derailleur cage, and pivot points for any potential issues or damage. This inspection will help you identify any specific areas that need more attention during the cleaning process.

Remove the derailleur cage if necessary

If you notice that the derailleur cage is particularly dirty or obstructed, you may need to remove it for a more thorough cleaning. Carefully detach the derailleur cage according to your bike’s manual or instructions. Take note of the position of any pieces you remove to ensure they can be reinstalled correctly later on.

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Spray degreaser on the derailleur

Now it’s time to give your derailleur a good spray with the degreaser. Spray the degreaser liberally over the derailleur components, being cautious not to spray it on any areas that you don’t want the degreaser to reach. The degreaser will help break down and remove the accumulated grease, dirt, and grime from your derailleur.

Scrub the derailleur with a brush

After spraying the derailleur with degreaser, use a brush to scrub away the dirt and grime. A small, stiff-bristled brush is ideal for reaching into the nooks and crannies of your derailleur components. Be thorough with your scrubbing, paying extra attention to any areas that appear particularly dirty or clogged. The brush will help dislodge and remove any stubborn debris, leaving your derailleur cleaner and more functional.

Rinse off the degreaser with clean water

Once you’re satisfied with the scrubbing, it’s time to rinse off the degreaser. Use clean water to thoroughly rinse the derailleur, ensuring that all traces of degreaser are removed. You can use a hose attachment, a spray bottle, or even a bowl of water to accomplish this. Make sure to rinse all the components of the derailleur, including the jockey wheels and derailleur cage if you removed them.

Dry the derailleur thoroughly

After rinsing, take a clean towel or rag and carefully dry the derailleur components. Wipe away any excess water to prevent any remaining moisture from causing corrosion or rust. Pay close attention to hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that the derailleur is completely dry before moving on to the next steps. This step is crucial for keeping your derailleur in good condition and preventing any damage.

How Do I Clean And Lubricate The Derailleur

Cleaning the Jockey Wheels

Remove the jockey wheels from the derailleur

To clean the jockey wheels, you’ll need to remove them from the derailleur. Each jockey wheel is usually held in place with screws or clips. Refer to your bike’s manual or instructions to learn how to remove the jockey wheels safely and efficiently. Take your time to ensure that you don’t lose any small pieces or damage the jockey wheels in the process.

Soak the jockey wheels in degreaser

Once the jockey wheels are removed, it’s time to give them a deep clean. Fill a container with degreaser and soak the jockey wheels in it. The degreaser will help dissolve any remaining grease, dirt, or debris, making it easier for you to clean them thoroughly. Allow the jockey wheels to soak for a few minutes to ensure that the degreaser can penetrate and break down any stubborn residue.

Scrub the jockey wheels with a brush

After the jockey wheels have soaked for a sufficient amount of time, grab your brush and start scrubbing. Use the brush to remove any remaining dirt or grime from the jockey wheels’ surfaces and crevices. Pay attention to both sides of the jockey wheels, ensuring that you remove any debris that may hinder their performance. A thorough cleaning will help maintain the jockey wheels’ functionality and prolong their lifespan.

Rinse off the degreaser with clean water

Once you’ve finished scrubbing, rinse off the degreaser from the jockey wheels with clean water. Similar to when rinsing the derailleur components, use a hose attachment, spray bottle, or bowl of water to ensure thorough rinsing. Make sure to remove all traces of the degreaser, so the jockey wheels are clean and ready for lubrication. Rinse both sides of the jockey wheels, checking for any missed debris before drying.

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Dry the jockey wheels thoroughly

To complete the cleaning process for the jockey wheels, gently dry them with a clean towel or rag. Remove any excess water from the jockey wheels to prevent moisture-related issues from arising. Ensure that no moisture remains in the crevices or rotating parts of the jockey wheels. By drying them thoroughly, you minimize the risk of rust or corrosion and improve the jockey wheels’ overall performance.

Lubricating the Derailleur

Choose the appropriate lubricant

When it comes to lubricating your derailleur, it’s essential to choose the appropriate lubricant for the job. Look for a lubricant specifically designed for bike components, as off-the-shelf products may not have the desired properties. Consider factors such as the weather conditions, terrain, and your riding style to determine the best lubricant for your derailleur. A high-quality lubricant will help reduce friction, prevent corrosion, and improve shifting performance.

Apply a small amount of lubricant to the pivot points

With your chosen lubricant in hand, it’s time to apply a small amount to the pivot points of your derailleur. these are the areas where the derailleur moves and rotates as you shift gears. Apply the lubricant directly onto the pivot points, being careful not to overdo it. Using too much lubricant can attract dirt and debris, ultimately affecting the derailleur’s performance. A small, precise application is key to optimal lubrication.

Work the derailleur to distribute the lubricant

Once you’ve applied the lubricant, gently work the derailleur back and forth to distribute the lubricant evenly. This motion helps ensure that the lubricant reaches all the necessary areas and forms a protective film. Move the derailleur through its full range of motion several times to make sure the lubricant is spread uniformly. This step is crucial for maximizing the lubricant’s effectiveness and improving the shifting performance of your derailleur.

Wipe off any excess lubricant

After working the derailleur, take a clean rag or towel and wipe off any excess lubricant. Removing the excess prevents extra lubricant from attracting dirt and grime while you’re riding. Pay attention to all the derailleur’s components, including the jockey wheels and derailleur cage if you removed it earlier. A clean, dry derailleur with the right amount of lubricant is essential for smooth shifting and optimal performance.

How Do I Clean And Lubricate The Derailleur

Reinstalling the Derailleur

Reattach the derailleur cage if removed

If you chose to remove the derailleur cage during the cleaning process, it’s now time to reattach it. Carefully align the cage according to the markings or instructions specific to your bike model. Take your time to ensure that all the pieces fit together correctly and securely. Double-check the alignment and make any necessary adjustments before moving on to the next step.

Insert the jockey wheels back into the derailleur

With the derailleur cage securely attached, it’s time to insert the jockey wheels back into the derailleur. Place the jockey wheels in their designated spots and make sure they rotate freely. Pay attention to any markings or indicators that show the correct orientation of the jockey wheels. Properly installed jockey wheels will ensure smooth shifting and efficient power transfer.

Align the derailleur with the cassette

Once the jockey wheels are back in place, align the derailleur with the cassette. The derailleur should be positioned correctly so that it can move smoothly along the gears. Again, refer to your bike’s manual or instructions to ensure the proper alignment. Take the time to double-check the derailleur’s position and make any necessary adjustments. Proper alignment is crucial for precise shifting and optimal performance.

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Test the derailleur’s shifting performance

After reinstalling the derailleur and aligning it with the cassette, it’s time to test its shifting performance. Shift through the gears and pay close attention to the shifting accuracy and smoothness. Take note of any unusual sounds, delays, or difficulties while shifting. If you encounter any issues, you may need to further adjust the derailleur or seek professional assistance. Testing the shifting performance ensures that your derailleur is functioning optimally and ready for your next ride.

Adjusting the Derailleur

Check the position of the derailleur

If you notice any shifting issues during the test, one possible solution is to check the position of the derailleur. Over time, the derailleur can become misaligned, affecting its performance. Use your eyes or a tool to check the derailleur’s alignment with the cassette and make any necessary adjustments. Ensure that the derailleur aligns precisely with the desired gear and moves smoothly along the cassette.

Make small adjustments to the barrel adjuster

If you need to fine-tune the shifting performance, you can make small adjustments to the barrel adjuster. The barrel adjuster is typically located either on the derailleur itself or on the shifter. By turning the barrel adjuster clockwise or counterclockwise, you can increase or decrease the tension on the derailleur cable, respectively. Make incremental adjustments and test the shifting performance after each one to find the optimal setting.

Fine-tune the high and low limit screws

The high and low limit screws on the derailleur are responsible for setting the outer limits of the shifting range. If you’re experiencing issues with the derailleur not reaching the highest or lowest gear, these screws may need adjustment. Use a screwdriver to make small adjustments to the high and low limit screws, following your bike’s manual or instructions. Test the shifting performance after each adjustment to ensure accurate gear engagement.

Test the shifting performance on different gears

After making any necessary adjustments to the derailleur, it’s important to test the shifting performance on different gears. Shift through the full range of gears and pay attention to the smoothness and accuracy of each shift. Take note of any improvements or remaining issues that may need further adjustment. It may take a few iterations to fine-tune the derailleur precisely, so be patient and persistent. Ensuring proper shifting performance will provide a smoother, more enjoyable ride.

How Do I Clean And Lubricate The Derailleur

Tips and Warnings

Clean the derailleur regularly to maintain optimal performance

To keep your derailleur working at its best, it’s important to clean it regularly. Removing dirt, grime, and debris prevents them from interfering with the derailleur’s functionality. Aim to clean your derailleur every few weeks or more frequently if you ride in particularly dirty or wet conditions. Regular cleaning will help maintain optimal performance and prolong your derailleur’s lifespan.

Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the derailleur

While cleaning your derailleur, it’s crucial to avoid using harsh chemicals that could potentially damage the components. Stick to bike-specific degreasers and lubricants, as these are designed to be safe for use on your derailleur. Harsh chemicals or solvents can strip away protective coatings, corrode metal surfaces, or otherwise compromise the functionality of your derailleur. Always follow product instructions and exercise caution when handling any cleaning agents.

Consult a professional if you are unsure about any steps

If you’re unsure about any of the steps involved in cleaning and maintaining your derailleur, it’s always wise to consult a professional. Bike shops and mechanics have the expertise and experience to ensure proper maintenance and care for your derailleur. They can provide valuable guidance, answer any questions you may have, and offer assistance if you encounter any challenges along the way. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help to ensure the longevity and performance of your derailleur.


Cleaning and lubricating the derailleur is essential for smooth shifting

Cleaning and lubricating your derailleur is essential for maintaining smooth shifting and optimal performance. Dirt, grime, and debris can accumulate over time, impacting the functionality of your derailleur. By regularly cleaning and lubricating your derailleur, you ensure that it operates smoothly, reduces friction, and avoids unnecessary wear and tear.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can maintain your derailleur’s performance and prolong its lifespan

By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can effectively clean and lubricate your derailleur. This maintenance routine will help prolong the lifespan of your derailleur and ensure that it performs at its best. By investing a little time and effort into your derailleur’s care, you’ll enjoy smoother shifting, improved overall performance, and a more enjoyable riding experience. So go ahead, grab your tools, and give your derailleur the attention it deserves!

How Do I Clean And Lubricate The Derailleur

Kelly Adams

Kelly Adams

In order to be safe on our bikes we have to keep them maintained and in good working order. Also bike accessories are a must if you want to enjoy the full experience. If something is broken or worn out replace it before you get injured. -Thank you-

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